I think this forum would benefit from an introductions thread as there are some people who may be playing in Oldoroth that I don't know or that don't know me. I guess this really only benefits me as I don't live in Indy anymore, haha. But either way...
My name is Kenny. I created Oldoroth for Danny, Craig, Ty and Tom pretty much. I DM'd for a couple months before I moved from Indy to New Mexico and left Oldoroth in the care of Danny and whoever else did DM stuff. I still very much write about the world and my characters are often used even while I'm not there. I created Duscus Riale some... I dunno, nine years ago, which he often does things for the party. Also, D'artagnan is a creation of mine, though he's not quite as well rounded or thought out. For a long time I was pretty determined to come up with a physical timeline for Oldoroth, though without me being witness to the campaigns that have gone on in my absence is pretty impossible. Still, I have things written down about the creation of the planet, some of the Gods in the pantheon and other things dealing with history, characters, events and catastrophes. I guess that's pretty much it. Who are you?